2FA passwordless for Local accounts with SSH Keys?
Steps For Configuring AuthNull PAM Authenticator (SSH Login) for Passwordless Authentication
Login into any VM , check out the pam.so file and did.sh script from either of the below path
Please move the pam_authenticator.so file into /usr/local/lib/security path (if “security” folder is not available, please create it), and also move the did.sh to / path (and provide right permissions if reqd)
Please add the below lines at the end of the file to
auth required /usr/local/lib/security/pam_authenticator.so debug nullok
auth required pam_permit.so
Comment #@include common-auth - This will exclude /etc/pam.d/common-auth file
For SSH Key authentication,
Please add the below lines at the end of the file to /etc/ssh/sshd_config
AuthenticationMethods keyboard-interactive KbdInteractiveAuthentication yes
Please remove here public-key authencation, as we are using 1fa
Please restart the ssh service
sudo systemctl restart sshd
Now login to the VM using ssh
a. ssh username@ipaddress
This will intiate the passwordless login
Please check the logs from
/var/log/auth.log file
(for ubuntu based), and/var/log/secure
(centos based) -
In case there are any issues in running the .so file from logs .(use below options to fix)
PAM (header )not found
a. On the Centos and RHEL -build VMs, install the pam-devel package:
sudo yum install pam-devel
On all the Debian/Ubuntu -build virtual machines, install libpam0g-dev:
sudo apt-get install libpam0g-dev
Autoconf not installed /found
apt-get install autoconf automake gdb git libffi-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev (Debian /ubuntu)
Note : To ignore any user group without using AuthNull's custom pam authentication, please configure the below in /etc/pam.d/sshd (The below will exclude users in group tempmfa to login without mfa pam)
auth [success=done default=ignore] pam_succeed_if.so user ingroup tempmfa